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Full Membership

Full Membership entitles a member to exclusive use of their allotted garden beds, and to full use of the Garden facilities. Full Members can vote at the Annual General Meeting, and be elected to the Garden Management Committee. A membership fee is payable when your application for membership is approved, and is due for renewal on the 1st July of each year.

The Annual Full Membership Fee is $60.

A pro rata membership fee is calculated at the time of joining, at the rate of $5 per month for the remainder of the current financial year until 30th June.

A one-off, refundable deposit of $10 is also payable for a copy of a key that opens the Entrance Gate and the Tools Container.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership entitles a member to the use of the public facilities in the Garden, and to freely participate in all activities with other members of the Garden. However, Associate Members are not allocated garden beds, and do not have voting rights at Garden Management Committee and General Meetings.

There is no annual fee for Associate Membership of the Kingston Community Garden.

I am applying for Associate Membership.

For further information, or to arrange a tour of the Garden and its facilities, please contact Chris on 0407 560 960 or email

By submitting this Application for Membership you indicate that you agree to the terms, conditions and commitments of membership of the Kingston Community Garden, as specified in the Kingston Community Garden Policies and Procedures.

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