The Kingston Community Garden aims to provide space and facilities for local residents to engage in organic gardening, grow nutritious food, share and learn gardening skills, and promote the benefits of organic gardening in the local community.


Next Working Bee, Sunday 28 July 2024

The next working bee will be held at the garden, from 11:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday, 28 July 2024.

Tasks include:

  • Planting herbs in the new herb bed;
  • Mowing the paths between the beds;
  • Weeding the orchard and some of the beds;
  • Cleaning up the container and tin shed;
  • Dismantling the chicken coop.

Please being some food to share for lunch.

Garden News

Spring Seedling Sale, Sunday, 20 Oct

The Spring Seedling Sale will be held on Sunday, 20 October, between 10am and 3pm, at the Garden.

We will have over 2,000 seedlings for sale, most at $1 to $2 each, including over 600 tomato seedlings at $2 each. This year there are 32 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes.

Members of the garden will be available to answer gardening questions and give helpful advice.

The Kingston Men's Shed will provide a barbecue lunch.

You Can Grow Your Own